Search has always been a part of our lives: we use it to find the information we need to make decisions, get directions, and find out more about products and services. But the way we search is changing: Chat GPT, Bard, and AI will impact search in ways that are just beginning to be understood.

Chat GPT is a tool that allows you to get information from someone else as quickly as possible—without having to wait for them to finish typing everything out. It also allows you to get feedback on what they’re saying so that you can see if they’re getting their message across clearly enough or not. Watch >>   

Bard is an AI-powered chatbot that helps with many different tasks such as scheduling meetings or booking travel arrangements. It’s designed to be easy-to-use so users don’t have any trouble figuring out how it works or what it can do for them when they need help finding something or asking questions about something specific.

AI (artificial intelligence) is the technology that powers these tools—it helps them understand human language better than humans do themselves!

The online world has evolved from a place where people searched for information and shared it with others to a place where people use their devices to share content with each other. The shift in how people search for information is not limited to just one platform or technology. It is an evolution that has affected the way we do things as individuals, businesses, and governments.

The past few years have seen an increase in the number of chat bots being used by businesses and consumers alike. Chatbots are programs that engage in conversation with humans through artificial intelligence (AI). They can be programmed to respond to certain questions by analyzing natural language queries or commands entered into their system

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In the past few years, there has been a rapid rise in chat bot usage among both consumers and businesses alike. This has led many companies to seek ways to incorporate chat bots into their operations. However, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed before chat bots become mainstream in all industries

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